Our scholars are getting hands-on with the latest tech instructors, finding like-minded friends and expert mentors, exploring the tech world, and igniting a love for future learning. There’s so much to look forward to at Jump-In's Tech Academy! This is guaranteed to be an unforgettable experience for your child at the original and most trusted tech program you'll ever come across, and in the end, your child will walk away enriched with a certificate in hand to prove it.
You'll use YouTube to create your very own channel that can reach billions of people. Build your own channel with a mission to change the world. Join millions of monthly users who are sharing their stories and making amazing content!
Adobe Photoshop is the go-to photo editing and manipulation software on the market. It can be used to edit photos, game resources, or create new artwork.
Passion for tech. Unmatched expertise. The personality that brings out the absolute best in your child. With 12 years of experience, we know there's no replacement for the best teacher. It's no surprise that iconic companies like Google and Disney hire the same talent we do. Our Jump-In instructors possess the whole package of skills that top employers seek.